Related publications

You can learn more about our project with the following publications and presentations:

Clarke, R. I., Stanton, K. L., Grimm, A., & Zhang, B. “Invisible Labor, invisible Value: Unpacking Traditional Assessment of Academic Library Value.” College & Research Libraries, forthcoming in late 2022.

Granger, S. “Rendre visible la valeur du travail en bibliothèque publique avec le true value calculator: Entretien avec Rachel Ivy Clarke, Katerina Lynn Stanton, Alexandra Grimm et Bo Zhang.Le Bulletin des bibliothèques de France (BBF) 2021-2: Enjeux informationnels: la bibliothèque sans filtres ? 

Clarke, R. I., Grimm, A., Zhang, B., & Stanton, K.L., “Work Made Visible.American Libraries, January/February 2022.

Clarke, R. I., Stanton, K.L., Grimm, A. & Zhang, B. “Calculating the True Value of Library Labor.Library Journal, August 19, 2021.

Clarke, R. I., Stanton, K.L., Grimm, A. & Zhang, B. “True Value: Calculating and Communicating the Value of Library Labor.” Presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education virtual conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 21-23, 2021.

Stanton, K.L., Grimm, A., Zhang, B. & Clarke, R. I. “Rarely Acknowledged and Often Unrecognized: Exploring Emotional Labor Across Library Work Tasks.” Presented at the Association for Library and Information Science Education virtual conference, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, September 21-23, 2021.

Akman, J., Clarke, R. I., Grimm, A., Siler, V., Stanton, K., & Wacker, A. “Seamless Library Services: Invisible Labor as the Thread.” Presented at the American Library Association virtual annual conference, Chicago, June 24–29, 2021. Featured in the Annual Conference Preview